Board of Elders

  • (From the BFC Principles of Order Page 2:89)

    204-1.1 In the New Testament church Christ has provided men to hold the position of elder to oversee the life of His Church; those whom He commissions He enables to shepherd His Church.

    204-1.2 The position of elder is given broad responsibility and authority in the New Testament. Because they are to be examples to the flock in godliness and to govern well, they are called elders. Because they are responsible for oversight and administration of the life of the church, they are called overseers or bishops. Because they are to care for and feed God’s people, they are called pastors (shepherds). Because they serve the people of the church, they are called ministers.

    204-1.3 All elders together share the authority in and responsibility for the life of the church. Some elders are gifted and recognized as teaching elders; their primary authority and responsibility is in the Word and doctrine and secondarily in oversight. Other elders are gifted and recognized as ruling elders; their primary authority and responsibility is in oversight and secondarily in the Word and doctrine.

    204-1.4 The work of the elders is to shepherd the flock. This work includes: guarding (Acts 20:28), overseeing (1Tim.5:17; 1Pe.5:2), discipling (1Thes.5:12; 2Tim.2:2), preaching and teaching (1Tim.5:17; Titus 1:9; John 8:31, 32), evangelizing (2Tim.4:5), praying (Acts 6:4, John 17, John 14:12-14, James 5:13-16), serving (1Tim.4:14; 1Pet.4:10, 11) and disciplining (Titus 1:9).

    204-1.5 Elders, as leaders of the people, are chosen by the membership of the church on the basis of Scriptural qualifications.

    204-1.6 Because of the qualifications and dignity of the position of Elder, including minister, each Particular Church shall give careful consideration to ensure that a man who has been divorced or who has married a divorced woman has Biblically resolved issues in his family, church, and community raised by the divorce and has demonstrated since the divorce, stability of character and is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his wife.

Board of Elders

Rev. Jared Burkholder

Alvin Harley

Nick Jarratt

Rev. David SMith


Kevin Diehl

Scott Hoffman

Gary Karch

Mark Wimble


Board of Deacons

  • From the BFC Principles of Order page 2:92

    204-4.1 The position of deacon is presented in the Scriptures as a position not of ruling, but of service. A deacon should be a person of deep spiritual life, exemplary conduct, and sound judgment (1Tim.3; Acts 6:1-8). This position is one of sympathetic service to the church and to the distressed, friendless, or sick, after the example of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    204-4.2 Those who serve in this position should be known for their trustworthiness, their temperance, their faith, and their blameless life.

    204-4.3 Deacons, as servants of the church, are chosen by the membership of the church on the basis of Scriptural qualifications.

    204-4.4 Because of the qualifications and dignity of the position of Deacon, each Particular Church shall give careful consideration to ensure that a person who has been divorced or who has married a divorced person is presently characterized as above reproach, and if married, faithful to and exclusively committed to his or her spouse.

Board of Deacons

Ben brown

Ken Harley

Chris nader

Eric Roth

Dave Schlonecker


Todd Burkhardt

Rich Kauffman

JOy Paulsen

Tim Williams